Saturday, October 11, 2008


Dearest Blog.
I have had an, interesting (possibly not the best word), last few days filming a school project. For a very pointless subject and very much over the top, we have employed male actors who cannot act, who work on wages of McDonald's cheeseburgers (with bacon!)
It is (not surprisingly) difficult to control teenage boys.
As Romy said: I now know what is like to be a mother. Don't touch that. No, put that down, Stay there!
Me: Only problem is, they are physically stronger than us-_-

So anyway, my home has been filled with random people who have starred in the movie. Today we filmed death scenes and lip synching, two very important parts. Of course, any movie about LSD needs death scenes and Lip Synching=]
WE have visited a police station, jumped of roofs, jumped on trampolines, murdered a pie by the name of sprinkles, all normal things of course.

At the present, parents are outside having a social gathering, and I have become bored and come inside to blog. Just what everyone does on a Saturday night of course. That and Msning, it is what all the cool people do after all.
And yes, coming back to the cruise, I am still being too lazy to write a fuller account. Plus I had an English essay to rewrite, because it was 'a surprisingly shallow explaination. You can do better'. Erg

And silly work has me working tomorrow, so I am off
Goodnight Blog, sleep well x

Sunday, October 5, 2008

daylight savings sucks...

Well so does my work roster. It makes me misread it and as a result, make me turn up for work an hour and half earlier. Oh Bother. So I decided to make a new post about it:)
Plus with stupid daylight savings, it's technically two and a half hours earlier, or so it feels. Ick
So out of all the things I could have done with an extra hour and a bit, I decided to do Enlish homework. Yipee. 'In wartime, the people who suffer the most are usually the non-combatants. Discuss.'
I hate essays.
But of course, I clearly gave up on it, after all I'm here, right?
Urrg, I need to sleep more. Though last night was hardly my fault. My cat was sleeping on my bed. It had a bad dream and leapt off my bed. It used my left arm and my chest as a launching pad. And now it just looks like I have serious self-harm issues:D But it bloody hurt. Cat's back claws are blunter than their front I have discovered. So their not sharp, you say, they mustn't be so bad? Wrong. Flesh has been stripped from my bones, and it ain't pretty.

Stupid cat.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Home again.

Hello cyberspace, nice to see you again.

I'm home again after my little family holiday on a not so little cruise ship. I'll have a full account of my adventures a little later on, but at present, I'm a little tired.
However I'll give you an ever so brief run down in case you're interested...
we left Sydney on he 23rd of September some time in the afternoon. In between then and the 3rd of October there were happenings aplenty:
My two sisters and myself were registered for 'Teen Lounge'. What a hoot it was... There were two groups, the egoccentric 'orgy club' and co., with their intentions mostly on hooking up with one another. Then the stragglers/nerds/non-participants who came along in dribs and drabs who never really made friends. Guess which group I was in?
One of the most amazing things was the proverbial sugar sachets. Every single one had a little saying printed on it. How cool. So yes, I collected them. All but one however, I missed it and it was very sad. But it now brings my hallowed collection to 21.
We vistited 4 islands of varying interest. I went snorkelling and was attacked by either jellyfish or sea lice. That's right. They have lice. In the sea. But we decided they were jelly fish. Rows of itchy little dots all over me. Fun. Jellyfish are meant to sting, not itch!
Weather was pretty good. Terrible for the first few days but good after that. It had been fine for ages leading up to the cruise but of course it is bound to all turn to crap when it's our turn.
Also I was stuck in a little cabin with two sisters due for their rags. If there is a hell, I have just found it.
I also got a to have alcohol on the cruise, albeit a very small amount, but I didn't care. Yes, I am a good little teenager and who listens to her mother:D
Shh, just don't tell anyone...

We didn't get home till really late. Melbourne traffic is a nightmare. And It was rainy and cold. And our suitcases were in a trailer.
It was interesting to say the least. I was glad to be home, and to have my own bed. Most of my dreams whilst on the cruise were terrible, repeatitive ones of being on the cruise.
Last night in my own bed I dreamed about the cooking show Ready Steady Cook, a bratty child similar to my next door neighbour making mischief in a castle and someone was making a go-kart but she was using shoes for wheels, and it didn't work. My best friend also got dumped by her boyfriend. It was a nice relief from the terrible night's sleep I'd been having on the cruise. I still think I'm weird though:)
Anyway, I'll have a fullaccount later on, mind you this post ended up being pretty long anyway. Maybe I'll do it in two parts...
Well till then,
Au revoir.