Saturday, December 6, 2008

Stalking and Houseplants

Hello nobody.
Hello me.

I wonder if I am a stalker sometimes. I mean, sure, stalking is supposed to be aainst the law, but I still worry about myself. You see, only for curiosity's sake, I used Google Earth in order to find the house of the K (whose address I looked up in the white pages, good thing his last nake isn't too common). But of course they cut out that tiny chunk of his street. Now that was freaky, since almost our entire town is mapped:s.

But anyway, back to the main topic, am I a stalker? I am now in a class with him, which makes me very happy (I was beginning to get worried as our English classes of 2007 came to a close) and I listen to every word he says.

We did have the briefest of conversations, discussing an eraser and an English teacher. Then afterwards, through intently listening to conversations, found out he DOES in fact have a girlfriend.

The world has ended.

I am so weird and sad...


I think the only thing left for me to do is to turn to my houseplant. I have christened him Gareth, and I have not killed him yet. I found him, a tiny little cluster of leaves and a pathetic little flower, growing in the garden. so I scooped him up, placed him in a seldom used jug.
And he is probably going to grow out of his little jug soon (it only holds 250mls afterall). He is far more interesting than my sisters cactus, which I poke, as it insn't to spiky, what a pussy cactus.

At least they're fun to take photographs of.

I never did mention, though I feel I am inclined to, that the two disguisting Males I discussed in my previous post are in fact befriended to the K. I now regret not saying anything. If there is one thing I can say about myself, I am opinionated, but I do not speak my mind.. It can be quite an issue sometimes.

Now, it is far past midnight thirty, and to be honest, even though I am now on school holidays (happy dances) I think I should sleep. The only problem is I will probably wake up early, like I did this morning ( or yesterday morning, i think. it is 1.13 am afterall). But I do need to get up earlyish. Gotta go buy a Kriskringle present. And I got no clue what to buy, I am truly a lost cause when it comes to things like this. It's for someone I work with, and I don't know her terribly well so we'll see how it goes at any rate.

So, my distant, abstract cyberspace, do bid you farewell.

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