Thursday, December 11, 2008

I think I'll just give up right now.

Isn't it great being a teenage girl.
With emotions?
I know, you're all very jealous.
Or sympathetic.
Or laughing at my amazing lameness.

Oh well, anyway, storytime children...
There was once a male named Nathan. Now Nathan once had a 'thing' for my friend Melanie. She did not like him like that at all though Then he met me.
For a while it was all good, we were friends, then we were a little more than friends, and I didn't tell many people, because, well, he just wasn't someone you did that with.... So anyway, after a while, I was a lot over this whole 'open relationship' thing, and wished he'd leave me alone. Then one day, he said we should just be friends.
How great, you would think. but afterwards, I was in love with him. What the fuck? My head, very messed up.
I wonder why on Earth I would feel like this? Did I just like feeling wanted? or was I in love the whole time? But anyway. I only had to wait a few weeks till an innocent movie watching seesion at his house became something much more awkward.

I tried texting him a few times afterwards, but he was kinda weird so I stopped trying.
I didn't talk to him for about 4 months.

Then one day, he spoke to me again. And wanted to hang out again. I was completely over him.
But seems like he wasn't over me. So he flirted a lot over text whilst drinking. Always wanted to go for walks and wanted to see me constantly. I just wanted a friend.

Now, the trouble with me, is that I am too nice for my own good. It's usually a good thing. I can see the good in almost anyone, and I don't think Inhave ever hated anyone. But when it comes to being brutally honest. Well, that cjust goes out the window. So put up a stupid charade for a few weeks, then after a brief kiss (nothing major at all) he decided to just be friends again.
And guess how I feel now?


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