Thursday, January 1, 2009

New Years Resolutions.

So it's that time of year again, where we drag ourselves out of bed (maybe) and all the promises we made to ourselves last night die much more quickly than the throbbing pain coming from our heads. Yes, new years resolutions are a pain in the arse. So whatever you made yourself promise to do during the obligatory New Year smooch fest (I got got 3-4 times), how is it faring the morning after?

This year, I made a very simple on with my best friend: Alcohol, Parties and Boys. Sounds simple, achievable and guilt free. Of course it does entail greater expectations than 2008 after new years resolutions.
Last year it was simple; Kiss as many boys as possible (well I'm sure it would have counted with girls as well, but as far as I know I'm straight...). My mother's loopy friend Leanne between sips of whatever alcoholic drink tasted good at the time declared this our competition of the year.

I was beaten, disasterously. 5-1. It was very disappointing. I think I may have to put a little more effort in this year. it is just that Mel has a much greater tendency to get with various males, they all lover her. i am doomed to spend the rest of my existance with unrequited love, crying everywhere when the walk past whilst I am at work. Silly males.

So back to the subject my *Actual* New year's resolution last year, given to me and Mel by mother's other not-quite-so loopy friend was:

"Always follow your heart and stay true to yourself"

So I wonder how well I achieved that. I suppose I did. I have been myslef most of this year, I've done things on a whim and tried hard in more places than just schoolwork (which I was awesomely nerdy at=]). I think starting my film making *career* counts, as does starting going to Youth Group, Starting not going to Youth Group, My music, and accepting who I am.

I wonder how well mel achieved that resolution? Her 2008 was not a good year, but perhaps she is satisfied which what she achieved. Probably not, but 2009 will be a great year I hope, for both of us (Alcohol, paries and boys!) haha.

So moving away from the mushiness, how did everyone go on their 2008 resolutions?
What are they for 2009? Or are they all doomed?

I decided I would remember to water my plant. I shall be right back.


My plant is doing great. I've messed up his phototropisms though.
Nerdtalk. Google it.

Well good luck with all the resoluions. Mine never last so may you do better than me!

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